Weekly Digest #19

Royal Woods
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2021


As we approach the half-year mark since the launch of CDO.Finance, we are changing things up a little. First up, we have a new Weekly Digest banner!

Improving Engagement with Our Community

Further to the lively discussions we had on our Telegram community over the past couple of weeks, we felt that there is certainly room for improvement with regards to our engagement style with our community. We aim to foster a more conducive environment for users to provide feedback and to find more ways to engage the community.

Notion Finance Labs

On the topic of engagement with our community, we could have done better in communicating the Notion integration plans in particular. At that time, our team was brainstorming what was the best way forward for CDO.Finance in light of the lack of traction and we felt that the Notion integration was the answer. We were overly eager to share what we thought was pretty good news with our community and in hindsight, we might have done it prematurely.

We still believe that the Notion integration will bring great value to our community in time to come and will continue working hard to ensure its success.

We have previously shared the roadmap for Notion Finance Labs. To briefly recap, for 2021 Q4, Notion will be mainly looking to launch IV.Finance and also onboard advisors/investors. Further updates will be provided as and when available.

CDO.Finance Updates

As for CDO.Finance, here’re some updates:

  • Upgrade CDO.Finance UI

We feel it is important for us to upgrade our UI mainly because our product is a relatively more complicated one. A more streamlined and easy-to-use UI would facilitate onboarding of new users. Below is a sneak peek of the new UI:

  • Commence CODEX buyback programme

We will begin our buyback programme with the transaction fees earned from Tranche Pools. This will be done on an ad hoc basis and we will update our community whenever it occurs.

Some of our users have suggested tranching more yield sources. This is definitely part of our plans but would take a lot more time and resources to ensure that it is safe. In the meantime, do share with us if there are any yield sources that you would like to see tranched.


We are thankful for our community’s support throughout the ups and downs. The CDO team has learnt a great deal in the journey thus far and will draw from past experience to do better in the future. We seek your patience and continual support as we strive to bring CDO.Finance to greater heights 🚀


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